Registered Charity No. 266157
In order to apply for funding from the Rainford Trust, applicants should click on the button below and complete the application form.
The application should be submitted (preferably via email) with your accounts showing the cash flows, statement of activities and balances.
In order to make an application for grant funding you must:
Be a charity registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales, the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator and/or the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland; or
In the case of an unregistered charity, be able to produce a governing document (along with such other information required by the Trustees) evidencing the existence of the charity as a constituted group along with an explanation as to why the charity is not registered with the Commission – it is noted that this explanation might be as simple as the charity having an income of less than £5,000 a year;
Be able to supply The Rainford Trust with their accounts, which (where applicable) must have been filed on time for a period of at least three years prior to the application (the Trustees may make an exception for a recently formed charity);
In relation to grants being made overseas, the Trustees usually only support charities that are registered in the UK. In the unlikely event that the Trustees decide to make payments direct to a charity based overseas, the recipient must be capable of being viewed as exclusively charitable within the law of England and Wales, or be intending to use the funds for purposes which the law in England and Wales considers exclusively charitable;
The Trustees are able to make exceptions to these criteria which they will consider on a case by case basis, for example grants are occasionally given to St Helens students for course fees and/or materials, in which case grant monies are paid direct to the college or course provider.